Sep 08, 2009 08:51
Well I agreed to attend the Bible Study @ church today.
I'll be coming in at the "end" more or less but was told that is OK.
I'm also going to one on Thursday night at a friend's home.
I hope I don't get Bible Study "overload".
I'll also be going over to Goodwill today to help with the filing.
I watched a show last night called "Hoarders". It worries and upsets me because I fear I may wind up that bad someday. As it is I already have a touch of it. My room is a mess.
I don't go out like I used to and buy a bunch of stuff but well ... it's hard to explain.
Like I said- I just pray I don't get that bad like on the show. Very sad,very sad.
I need to get off of here now so I can get ready to go.
More later maybe.