Another Sunday

Sep 06, 2009 08:53

Well it's Sunday again. I'll be heading off to church in about an hour or less.
I will put in a prayer request for my sister in VA. I got an e-mail from her that she blacked out a few days ago and broke her arm. She is having metal put in it this coming Tuesday, because it's not healing.
I wonder why she blacked out??? That concerns me very much also.
Please if you can- I also ask you to keep her in prayer as well. Thank you.

Not really sure what I am going to do after I get home from church.
Tomorrow I may go clothes shopping. I was given some money through BVR to buy clothes to wear for job hunting/interviewing. Since I have an interview this coming Thursday, I should go buy something. It's hard though for me to find stuff that fits well. Being so short and now overweight.
I vaguely remember when I used to wear a size 3 Junior Petite! Ages and ages ago! What happened???? Well I know what happened but still..... Rather sad it is. Too good to last I suppose.
I do need to lose weigh. I keep telling myself that but then I don't do anything about it.
I should do with food like they say about drugs- "Just Say No!" OK- I do have to eat but in moderation.
Well I talk a "good game" but usually don't follow through. *sigh* :(
I really am pathetic sometimes.
I know what's wrong. I know the answers (sometimes). But can't seem to put the plan into action.
What's wrong with me???? I'm guessing fear and doubt. Either that or the ol' "Well I've tried that before and it didn't work". Then again- I didn't stick with it (I think).
Again- I don't know.
I'm thinking that I don't want to take responsibility or whatever.
I'm a mess, I know.

people, shopping, 2009, life, food, church, september, responsibility, clothes

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