Time to get going but....

May 09, 2009 09:35

Well I really need to get off of here and take a shower and so on.
I've been re-thinking what I said yesterday about my relationship with my daughter.
OK- I have to admit that I still wish we had a closer relationship. But I do know she loves me. Only well, I don't know. Again- I think there is something I just can't seem to identify.
She has said and done things that let me know that she loves me but other times- I don't know.
I know I'm not making a lot of sense so I'll just shut up about it all for now. Perhaps I need to have a long heart-to-heart with her or something.
Well my son wants to go see Star Trek tomorrow. I like that. I just hope we can go and make it back before I go to my daughters for dinner. Yes- I've been invited for dinner.
I told G that we had to go not long after I get back from church.
I don't know if they are going to have anything at church after the service or not. If so I am not sure I will be able to stay.

Oh- we SO need a new couch or chaise lounge or daybed or something! The couch we have now is a "hand-me-down" from my aunt. It has a fold-out bed which my son refused to use. The top back of it looks like a cat went to town but my aunt never had a cat and we didn't have a cat when we inherited it from her and haven't had a cat since we been using it. Well anyway- my son's been sleeping on it but it's a wreck and it can't be good for his back.

I guess I should get off of here for now and do some other stuff.

people, 2009, may, life, families

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