Baby it's C-C-C-O-O-O-L-D outside!!!!!

Dec 21, 2008 19:04


Here in Dayton it's currently 3 degrees but with wind chill it feels like -20!!!

OK- I realize compared to some places this is probably warm but still....

I can't remember it being this cold in quite some time.

I got ready to go to church this morning and knew I would have to scrape ice off of the car but I couldn't even get my car doors open!!
So I decided to call a friend of mine and ask her to come by and pick me up. But she said she was going to walk. She doesn't live that far from the church. I decided to walk too.
Anyway- I started off to church but a neighbor who was coming home from somewhere saw me and asked if I needed a ride. I told him I was just going up to the church but anyway...
he gave me a ride.
I did wind up walking home.
So I've received some gift cards for Kroger's and decided to go get gas a while ago. I drove up the road (yes- I finally managed to get my doors open and window scraped off)and bought some gas and also a few groceries.
I need to buy a few more things before Christmas. Maybe a few stocking stuffers and something nice for Br and T. Or maybe for their dog. :)
The rest will go for regular groceries.
Guess that's it for now. Bye- Try to stay warm!

people, december, 2008, life, holiday(s), weather

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