No tumor but.....

Dec 19, 2008 14:38

Well I just got an e-mail from my daughter. Here is part of what she had to say (I am using s-i-l's initial only for privacy reasons)

"B just went to the doctor, there is no tumor, however his tonsils
are significantly larger than they should be and have kind of irregular
surface with pockets they are harboring bacteria. They want to take them
out but he's scared. He's 28 and they told him he'd be in horrific pain
for a minimum of 10-11 days or longer. So we'll see. Money is a big
factor. The cost and being off work that long."

I just hope he doesn't wait too long and it becomes a raging infection and/or an emergency situation. Since tonsils are a gland- well I think there is a great danger to his health if he doesn't have this treated.

Please keep him in prayer. Thank you.

december, 2008, family, health

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