All dressed up .....

Sep 22, 2008 09:22

and no place to go!

Well I was supposed to start a new assignment today. I get up, get dressed, make sure I have everything (lunch and such), leave in plenty of time to get there just a bit early. I get in and the lady tells me to wait and ask me my name. I tell her my name & wait. She goes into some room and a little bit later- she informs me that I'm not on her list of people to begin working. I call Kelly Services and well anyway- I guess I just have to wait. Yes- I came back home. I was told to come back home and wait til I here back from Kelly Services. I think they said they were going to pay me something for going out there. I think I'll get something like 1 or 2 hours pay.
What I really hope is that this gets straightened out and I hear something soon and that I'll be working there. I'm trying not to lose my temper about it all.
I guess I'll do some laundry or something.

not on list, trying not to lose it, upset, home, new job assignment, waste of time

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