The term "African -American"

Jun 27, 2008 16:37

Every time I hear someone use the term "African-American" I want to ask "Oh- that's interesting, just where in Africa are you/they from?" I might also be inclined to ask what color the person is as well because.... not everyone in Africa is black! Many Germans settled there (many but not all were Nazis) after WWII. Although I think most of the Nazis settled in S. America.
Also I believe many people that we refer to as Dutch settled in parts of Africa (South Africa I believe). They could come to the U.S. and call themselves African-American. But No! We can't have that! They aren't black so how dare they call themselves that!!!
I suppose I could call myself a European-American. My ancestors were from Europe. But if I decided to move to Africa (not that I have any plans to) - could I call myself a European-American-African???? What if I moved to Germany? Would I call myself a European-American-European? What if someone who calls him/herself an African-American moved to Africa to live-would they call themselves an African-American-African??

What does someone who's black and was born in England refer to themselves as???

See how silly it can get???

Why not just refer to yourself as an American (or European or whatever country/continent you live in) or by your name?

I suppose if you have to have something to go by for identifying someone in case a crime has been committed I don't really see anything wrong with white or black or tan. Or build or hair color or identifying marks such as scars, tattoos, jewelry. Height and weight.
But the use of such politically correct terms such as African-American ... well I already explained what I think of it.

OK- Now I suppose I'll get a lot of hateful and nasty replies. Go ahead. But think about what I mentioned. I'm a U.S. American not a European-American. Or if you must- I'm a U.S. citizen of European decent. Most people just call me by my name.

white, black, politically correct terms, u.s. citizen, european-american, african-american

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