Storms/Congestion/ Weird dream(s)

Jun 04, 2008 08:29

Well we had a lot of heavy duty t-storms, etc. last night and also some throughout the night and this morning. I did make it home safely last night. I don't think it was raining when I left class. I think it was raining a little. But then after I got home it started up again. Our satellite kept going out-mostly just for the local channels but sometimes for the others.
My son was trying to finish watching Hell's Kitchen.

I remember having a dream about being in a house (I guess it was where I and our family were living in the dream) but anyway... the house was leaking in several places. Ha ha. I think this must be something left over from my experience with the car yesterday- what with it leaking water all over me. I also remember something about my husband in the dream and him being stuck somewhere or telling me about how he got stuck somewhere but I can't remember all of the details on that part of the dream. There was also something about a cat or cats/kittens. Someone had a cat. Again- details are sketchy but can't help believe that is related to something in real life - as in the fact that we have cats that come by when we are outside and want attention from us. One being the Lovable Jake Precious Paws. Oh he is such a sweetie! I just love him! He's not my cat but I kind of claim him. He likes to come by sometimes and sleep on my AC unit. It's a window unit. We haven't used it in at least 2 maybe 3 years.

I noticed I was terribly congested this morning. I still am to some degree. I couldn't find my jar of vapo rub. :( I did a lot of coughing. And nose blowing. :(
Not sure what that's all about.
We had more strong t-showers this morning. I tried to see what the radar said on TV but they seemed to run nothing but commercials ad nauseum.
Guess it doesn't matter. Looks like we will have a lot of rain today again. Tomorrow and the next few days are supposed to be very hot and humid. :( I'm not looking forward to that!!
Well in awhile I need to go and make a payment to Wal-Mart. Hope the weather co-operates with me for that.
More later. Bye

leaking car, sattelite, rain, congestion, t-storms, weather, cats, dream, leaking house

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