
May 31, 2008 09:09

Well I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do today. I know I need to walk down to Kroger and have my prescription refilled for my bp medicine.
I think after I get back I will try spending the rest of the day in prayer.

Not having a car stinks in that it's going to be harder to find/get a job. There are only so many places you can get to and from via the bus. Not to mention you have to plan a good part of your activities around the bus schedule. Also-the bus ain't so cheap anymore. It used to be a pretty good deal but not really so much anymore. Prices have risen and they've cut back on routes and such. Now they even charge a quarter for a transfer! What's up with that??? They used to be free.

Well whatever. They've all got us by the short-hairs. The Arabs and the U.S. government and well like I said. They've got us and we all just sit back and take it.

I really should join the Amish.

service, arabs, bus, amish, prices, gas, medicine, government

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