Home from the cook-out

May 26, 2008 17:02

Just got back home about half an hour ago. The cook-out went well. The weather held out for us and it didn't rain but was very windy. We were able to deal with it- although did have to chase down a few things.
Things started off kind of slow as there were only 4 of us there to start with but after about an hour or so more people showed up.
The food was very delicious and we even played a few games. One was with toilet paper.
Not really sure how to explain it.
One girl there brought her rat with her in it's cage. Very cute. I know- some people are squeamish about rats. I don't care for the city rats but I'm OK with pet or domesticated ones. I took a ton of pics but don't know how many are going to turn out.
I can't believe I've had my camera for about 4-5 years now and still don't really know how to use all of the features (bells and whistles) on it. Basically still learning.
Well I guess that's all for now.
I'm going to watch Judge Judy.

cookout, game(s), rat, food, weather, camera

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