Goin' on the cook-out!

May 26, 2008 07:56

Well I have a ride for the cook-out today. Hooray! Sad to say though- looks like we're gonna get rained on. :(

The singing yesterday was great but we were missing some people. One of our singers and his two sons couldn't make it til about 1/2 hour before the singing ended. He had to get his fields plowed and planted because he knew it was going to rain again so....
Also another member and his mom couldn't make it because they went to visit some relatives or they went to somewhere in KY. Something to do with a family home of their's or something. I don't know. Anyway- we missed them.
Hoping we have another singing in June (although we usually don't- we take the summer off)

My back is sore again today. I've put some icy-hot on it.

Well it's starting to rain already. :(

Hope the cook-out is still on.


singers, cookout, rain, back, singing

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