WOW- Got my stuff done and didn't even miss the beginning of the race

Mar 09, 2008 15:24

Well I got the:

laundry done

car dug out & enough of driveway shoveled to get in and out

found the CD case for the CD so I can now return it to the library

The front looks worse than I thought or was hoping it would. Tracks and sledding marks all over the place. It looks terrible. I don't know whether to put up some kind of sign or what.

Another concern which has nothing to do with the kids using my yard to sled on.

The bushes are ladened down with snow. I did knock some of it off but only some. I wonder if it will hurt them to have all of that snow weighing them down?

I was surprised how easily I was able to find that CD case as when I was looking for it last week and thought I was really looking for it and could not find it at all (obviously).
Well anyway- I'm just very glad that I did find it. Thank God. Really. I think He knew I really needed to find it soon. Last week I didn't really need it right away.

Well next week- on Tuesday I go to get my taxes done - after work. Then on Thursday I have a doctors appointment. I will have to leave work an hour early. This is to have my BP checked. The last two times I've had it checked it's been good, so the medicine I'm on is working.

Jimmie's not doing so well but he's not way back there either. Race is sort of boring today.

More later. - Bye
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