Jun 25, 2022 08:24
Last night my throat or at least parts of my mouth hurt. Marisa encouraged me to take a glass of Emergen-C before going to bed. I did and it helped.
I also tried to get as much sleep as I could this morning, even to the point of waking up to do my business and then feeding the cats then returning to bed afterwards.
I slept some more and then got up and drank coffee.
Still holding to my no-Ebay bid policy, although there is a J.M. Garrison glass photo negative. I already dismissed another negative sale because I already own a similar one! Also I have not bid on any emovie poster items...just watching and saving.
My Garrison accounting is, well, uneven. I worked on that some more. A lot of my negatives require making positives.
My health is more important, so this is my plan for the weekend only if I feel up to it--
x finish work on moving the phone lines and phone box:
--open basement door and prepare to access phone wire disconnect.
--unplug phone line in box.
--disconnect phone line at junction (actually difficult: needed nut driver but tried to use an adjustable wrench).
--pull phone line through.
--push insulator through new hole or grow 3/8 inch hole to 1/2 inch or larger hole. (very difficult. 1/2 inch drill bit used but still not big enough. Tried to expand the size of the hole using the drill bit but need a reaming bit for this. Reaming bits are not easy to find. I tried a hole cutting bit but doesn't work to expand a hole. It was very close, though, so tried pushing the insulator through with a rubber mallet. Worked!)
--push phone line through and connect to the arrestor. Much easier--had a nut driver. Could have used needle nose pliers to curve the wire around, but my fingers painfully did the job).
--plug in phone line in box.
--test phone line.
x put short folding table into cellar for fixing, re-use (needs a new top)
x move odd book shelf into cellar (on top of Xmas stuff).
Tools I need to buy:
[] nail grabber/puller. We had one but I can't it. It is invaluable.
x 1/4 inch socket wrench. I have a set of sockets with 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch wrenches, but no 1/4 inch wrenches even though there are 1/4 inch sockets! Geez!
[] oil can. I have spray oil and regular oil, but their tops are busted!
[] reamer bit, if I can find one.
[] needle nose pliers.
[] wire stripper tool.
[] move recliner to truck
[] go to dump
[] buy foam to seal holes in siding (the old hole for the phone line and some holes I see just above the new hole.
[] seal the holes.
[] remove more asbestos tile (start a new bag).
[] move bricks to LBT
[] weed wack park strip
[] move book case piece into other part of cellar
[] make room for table and move table into cellar
[] make room for sideboard in cellar and move it.
[] make room for bookcase in cellar and move it.
[] move cowboy chair to dining room.
[] make room for stuff in front room and move the stuff to the cellar (little table, bench, boxes).
[] move safe to front room
[] make room for more stuff in front room and move the stuff to the cellar.
[] move treadmill to front room
[] make room for stuff in front room and move the stuff to the cellar.
[] reserve and measure front room for washer/drier.
[] weed wack back yard
[] get tall ladder and put up to top screw, unscrew, come down, reposition ladder and go up to put in new location.
Monday, June 27 - Friday, July 1 -- back at work.
j.m. garrison,