Apr 22, 2021 19:53
When working in lbt last weekend I realized if I wanted to do the back fence, now would be a good time.
I got in the corner fence post to-day (two 50 pound bags of quickcrete) and dug as far as I can for the next post. I will buy two 50 pound bags to-morrow and do that next post and possibly a little more for the corner.
The 2nd post ran into a large concrete base I can't free and the area is clogged with roots. However, I managed to sandwich the post between the concrete and a root so it is a little deeper than the concrete. It will have to do.
I already started on the hole for the 3rd post.
The 4th post will be an 8x8! (actually two 4x8s). That will be a challenge.
I believe I can get the first three posts done by end of day to-morrow and may even start on rails, but am also thinking of doing rails as a separate activity after all posts are in.
Saturday I can do the other 8x8 and then start in to rails.
Sunday I should be able to finish rails and begin on pickets.
Monday I can continue on pickets.
I don't expect to do rails between the 2nd 8x8 and the north fence: I need to remove the hill of dirt first and am considering a garden gate right there. I will do the car gate later.
Where will the hill of dirt go? In the alley! There is a five foot wide strip that cars don't use in the alley. There is no reason I can't use that to set up a birm. I will add to it when I put in the dry well and remove dirt from the south side of the house. Once all projects are complete I can hire someone to haul it away.
I am going to make the fence the maximum height allowed by code without a design review. I will double-check, but I believe that is 7 feet.
As a result of this, I will have to improve access to LBT by cutting the dead branches and probably some of the struggling lowest branches: no more access from the alley.
The woodpile will have less wood, too! I hope to really finish my wood projects and no longer keep a stash...buy only as needed.
Of course, once all my masonry and rocks are allocated, LBT will be open for the shed! With the lower branches removed and the area cleared, we can set up our own shed for whatever the first shed couldn't handle or take on some other task.
I am doing this work now before it gets too hot or starts raining. My manager allowed me to do this as long as I check-in for support issues in the evening and morning.
back yard,