Tax returns were direct deposited this week and the money was planned for debt will mail the final payment on my u-card on Monday!
I had not planned on getting the returns this soon, but it is always nice to do better than the plan! There is only one more card to pay down before I am only on a month to month credit card payment (using my "cash card").
While it might be nice to cancel the u-card, I think I would rather keep it around for an emergency. On the other hand, the opportunity for fraud on an active card...or the temptation to use the card for something besides an emergency may be too much. So not sure what is the right approach.
So this month I can accelerate the pay-down for the d-card...beyond the amounts I have already been applying toward the total. Once the debt on the d-card is zero I will cancel that one: this card is not accepted at Denny's!
I hope I am wrong, but I believe the world economy has begun its slide into a depression. The economy has grown on the backs of people in developing countries and cheap oil. The number of people is growing exponentially and the supply of oil is plummeting. The reaction to the Chinese investment market is just the beginning of the end.
There is little I can do but try to become as independent as possible...and I have to start by limiting the hands in my limited pockets.
Then there is the need to try and limit my own spending and resource use. Not easy, especially when my body is not always willing. For instance, I used to be able to bicycle around to do things...but no longer. So the need to use a vehicle still exists...and with insurance costs, maintenance and fuel it is a big component of our budget. I can cut back driving to some extent, but even if I drive little still must pay insurance to maintain the ability to drive when needed.
Electricity, gas and water use are also costs I might be able to reduce.
* need to do some plumbing work around the house.
* disconnect gutter drains (I should have done this some time ago).
* buy and install water barrels for gutters.
* re-inventory lights and see if I can add more compact flourescents.
* look into the new led lights (even longer-lasting and more energy efficient than the cf lamps)
* add attic insulation.
There is some cost to some of these projects, but mostly it is time.
Once I get through all of that it is time to seriously look at rooftop solar, but I need to be careful as I wish to coordinate that work with whatever home exterior and interior improvements we also wish to make.