No personal computer, continued truck problems

Dec 24, 2019 14:57

Because of problems with the two things I tend to rely on, my truck and my personal computer, most of the things I wanted to do leading into Christmas did not happen.

The personal computer problem happened last Thursday morning and led me to turning into a computer repair place on Friday. The verdict: bad hard drive. The solution: a solid state hard drive with the Windows 10 O.S.

Despite spending at least $5500 on my truck over the past month (and a lot of waiting and nervous moments driving and starting and re-starting the truck) the truck still is stalling and having rough starts. My friend, M., suggests more needs to be done regarding investigating the gas delivery to the engine. If the gas is contaminated by water or even has a high amount of ethanol, then this kind of behavior is possible. So, waiting for nicer weather before I drive the truck again...and for the holidays to finish...before getting a new look by the 2nd mechanic.

My truck and my PC are my two most important belongings in terms of my work and my organization.

Would have done better if I could rely on the service people involved providing me with accurate schedules and outcomes, then I could have re-planned my life around the problems. However, the problems seem open-ended, making my life rather uncoordinated in the meantime. So, no Christmas cookies, no extra baking, no Christmas cards.

We did:
* put up the tree with decorations.
* put up a DVD cabinet.
* vacuum carpets
* organize stuff in my bedroom and office (but not near enough).
* tried to get a handle on the dishes (again, not enough, but better).

Again, my hope is that eventually all of this will work out and we can leader a stronger life into 2020.

video, truck, dvds, cookies, cleaning, christmas, computers

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