Jun 15, 2019 18:20
*SET complete: filled up the tank for the truck, mailed all checks, deposited rent.
*Among the bills paid:
--Credit Card, which I hope next month will be a much smaller amount.
--$11.25 for a pdf of images of letters from Sophia Wooster Swinney to her sister about the time they moved from Portland to Texas/Oklamhoma.
--The balance owed on the roof work.
*Also I sent an e-mail request to use the picture of D.D. Swinney from his time in Oklahoma.
*Earlier I requested an interlibrary loan from Nebraska of The Political Career of Charles Wooster, 1872-1922 by James Edward Potter. The loan request is still in process.
*I should get the Swinney family pictures (3 of them) from 1910-1913 in the mail on Wednesday.
*Went through some Howard Clinton Tibbitts offerings on ebay--so far have saved these already...none I am particularly interested in.
*Credit card use halfway into June:
$ 8.99 Swinney photo
$ 4.99 A Daughter of Two Worlds (photoplay book)
$ 2.97 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life DVD
$13.88 Two J.M. Garrison photo negatives
$30.83 ...ebay purchases
$37.71 gasoline
$68.54 total
Most likely will need another fill-up before the end of the month, so credit card use should be about $120 as long as I don't buy anything on Ebay or Amazon.
*Purchased a $90 portable workbench, sorely needed for my brick cleaning work for my sideyard pathway. Most of it was paid from a "Goody Drawer" debit card from work, but I exhausted it after spending so much on medium bark. So I put in cash of around $32, which is a good out-of-pocket cost for a useful tool.
*Thursday we went out for dinner, which was $60 with tip. That leaves $100 for groceries. The list on the refrigerator is a little short, so we may be ok this week. Cat supplies (litter, bagged food, canned food) adds up, though.
*Put in an appointment request for a colonoscopy. Already Freddies is calling me about that (I can't use Kaiser as the pharmacy and Kaiser won't pay for any other pharmacy), so my questionnaire is in process. Actually hoping the procedure is done this October. My last one was around September a decade ago.
*Lab results indicate my glucose levels are still pre-diabetes. I don't have a lot of dietary things left to reduce my sugar intake, so not sure what else to do...but will look into that. Good news, though: my blood pressure and kidney/liver numbers are good, weight good.