Jan 24, 2018 20:35
So, it looks like we will have a driveway in 2018. Cost will be higher...now up to $12,250. However, the water meter won't need to be moved. That would have opened up a real can of worms and I had a provision in the contract to get out of the project if that happened.
$2350 additional for:
* new reinforced sidewalk section that takes the weight of a vehicle. I figure that alone is worth $1500.
* concrete box with lid for water meter, which is sort of weird because it already is in a concrete box with lid, but maybe they need something better: $500.
* 10 more feet of pavers. $350.
Earlier learned the approach over the park strip had to be a concrete apron. That cost: $1900.
The original project was for $8000 (well, 7500, but I round up). I always found this base price a little too much. I figured $1000 for removal of Byron Hill (based on previous estimates), $500 for pavers, $500 for gravel and $2000 for labor. Instead, twice that. However, I figure labor is higher and there is a lot of detail work involved...so ok. I tend to discount labor because all of own projects are sweat equity.
That is the problem: hire someone else to do it and you can count on the price doubling. One hopes you hire to get a professional result.
We shall see.
Besides costs there is the 10 feet more issue. The city code was vague when it said 18 feet was required. Well, you actually need 18+10 feet or 28 feet minimum.
The 18 feet was good because it stopped short of the house, allowing me to play with the area above the drive way.
Now the drive way must pass the edge of the porch and maybe into my rain barrel and stairwell area. So I need to measure that when I get back home from work.
Presuming I can consume most of the additional 10 feet before the stairwell begins (with, I hope 3 feet to spare), then we can proceed. Otherwise I need to work this out.
If we proceed, then what?
I will need to put up $6000 to get things going.
Then I hope they can remove Byron Hill fairly soon.
Alas concrete jobs require dry weather and it has been raining Marvins and Mischas recently. So that part will have to wait...and the sidewalk. But maybe they can do the pavers in the meantime.
By July 4, though, I expect to have a driveway, a walkway, maybe a tetherball court, maybe a remove-able flag pole.
byron hill,
city code,