Back corner ready for pathway

Sep 10, 2016 19:49

I have been moving dirt to Byron Hill after Sterling was kind enough to remove some of the original Hill to start a container garden.

Removed dirt piled in two piles in front of the Falcon and to-day finished removing dirt from the back corner, simultaneously weeding that area.

I am worried that the recently cleared and flattened area will be infested with weeds again, so hope to cover in cardboard in the short term. I may get cardboard from the basement for that purpose as we just sent a bunch to recycle and have none available.

Meanwhile looked at the gate area.

Piles left to move are the ones where the shed will go (between the two back trees) and the one at the northeast corner.

I can leave those as-is and cut out dirt by the gate area, which would allow me to dig the post holes and sink the two posts for the gate. If I do that on Sunday I can add rails on Monday.

Next weekend can't do any work outside, so the next opportunity will be Sept 24 and 25.

I am beginning to see the yard shape up to the point where maybe I can finish landscaping in a couple of years now!

* remove all excess dirt from North side yard and establish tether ball court (far less than regulation, may only be 7 feet in diameter), apple tree, paved garbage area, paved walk way, bench, rose bushes and climbing plants, rock garden, vegetable garden.

* remove all excess dirt from Marvin's Garden and establish drainage, fence section, library box with side lighting, walkway along entire front, repair and enhance concrete steps, put in window well.

* remove all excess dirt from South side cooridor, dig trench for drainage and connect to new back dry well and two downspouts, do south walkway.

* finish corner patio and walkway.

* do back fence and gates.

* build shed.

* new front drive way and curb.

After all that we can start tearing off the brick front, re-create the front porch, restore original wood siding where possible and match with new wood siding, fix windows, new roof, etc.

shed, landscaping, back yard, front yard, flagpole, tetherball, gate, rock garden

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