Sep 19, 2013 19:53
The retaining wall is complete! On the way back from work to-day I managed to buy one more tube of glue at Ace Hardware before they closed and then glued the remaining caps.
The retaining wall project, of course, is not finished.
Yet to do:
* buy 3 bags of gravel and 6 or so bags of woodchips.
* plant the time capsule.
* gravel the inside of the wall by the sidewalk and add landscape fabric over the gravel.
* rake in the dirt on top.
* add wood chips all around.
* buy plants for the triangle outside the wall and for shady area under the tree inside the wall.
* weed and sweep around the wall.
* move bricks and block/cap "archives" from the front of the house.
After that we are on to the fence and side paths which are different projects.
I will try to do this work tonight as this weekend it may just be relentless rain!
retaining wall