Fri, 13:14: RT @ RelatableQuote: 4 reasons a girl will stop texting you: 1. You made her mad 2. You got boring 3. She fell asleep 4. You said the let ...
Fri, 14:02: RT @ wilzkanadi: Thanks Woody for teaching me how to appreciate a friendship and never give up on a true friend.
Fri, 14:03: RT @ SimpleLoveTweet: I wish that we could be something. I wish that you needed me like I do. But basically, I wish that I don't have to ...
Fri, 14:03: RT @ SimpleLoveTweet: Don't regret anything you've done in the past. Cause in the end, it's your mistakes that make you who you are today ...
Fri, 14:03: RT @ SimpleLoveTweet: If you cry at trouble, it grows double. But if you learn to laugh at trouble, it disappears like a bubble! #SLT
Fri, 14:26: to meet you is not coincidental, it's fate.. Take Off - 2PM. absolutely love this lyric... ^O^
Fri, 14:27: RT @ nulisbuku: #Pilihan. Setelah sekian lama tidak mendengar kabarnya. Bertemu. Sama-sama jomblo.
Fri, 14:28: bneran deh, menyukai seseorang, jatuh cinta, ato perasaan yg semacam itu tu ngasi energi positif, klo diarahkan ke yg baik jg siy, haha
Fri, 14:45: kadang tu, aku terpikir utk GR, tp klo inget btahun2 lalu aku disms tiap hr tp ujung2nya dy jadian ama tmen sebangkuku, forget it ;)
Fri, 14:46: hihi, aku ktawa aja. paling2 dia lagi ga punya teman ngobrol. #BanSerep ? ahaha, sebut saja teman. sore dake juubun...
Fri, 14:50: wah ternyata #konayuki ini tergantung mood pendengar. klo lagi seneng malah jadi lagu yg bikin senyum2. hahaha
Fri, 15:06: RT @ dr_lia: @ lrazka we are worthier than just a #banserep, we deserve to be happy.. So let's move on.. :). The best is yet to come..
Fri, 15:07: I know you since a very long time ago. and for now I really want to smile from a far. hope that you soon find "The One"... =)
Fri, 15:08: I know what the result of this feeling is. So for now I'll use the energy to keep me positive ^____^ toward my life.
Fri, 15:10: #np Matsushita Yuya - Love Story *nantoka* ^_^ cover version lagu populer jaman dulu. enaaaak!!
Fri, 15:15: aaah, wakatta!! yg tadi itu Matsushita Yuya - Love Story Totsuzenni!! yaaay!! kanji ga yomemashitaaaa... wakan no okagede, hehehe
Fri, 15:23: resiko populer: beken dimana2.. dalam arti positif dan negatif;)
Fri, 15:30: RT @ disneywords: It's happy ending time. Everybody's got a little taste of something. But me, I got nothing. -Hades (Hercules) #disneywords
Sat, 09:41: RT @ RelatableQuote: Life is like Facebook. People will like your problems & comment, but no one will solve them because everyone is busy ...
Sat, 09:41: Kerja lg.. bsk liburan lg.. jalan2 lagi. Reuni lagi.
Sat, 10:24: RT @ infoSBY_: Waktunya sholat Maghrib untuk wilyah Surabaya dan sekitarnya. Selamat menunaikan ibadah sholat Maghrib tweeps.
Sat, 10:28: ;) RT @ rismabuana88: just find a lil gift in my room, from a girl, when i was senior high school, make me smile,.. :)
Sat, 11:29: ah iya, daripada ditanggepin, mumpung dunia maya, diemin. hashhh... dia gak ngerti itu aja.
Sat, 11:30: kyknya aku memilih profesi yg salah. gak boleh ngamuk lah, harus bisa ngerti lah, harus ini, gak boleh gitu. emangnya aku apaan?
Sat, 11:31: oh, jadi sebenarnya yg boleh marah itu siapa? yang wajar klo cuek itu sapa? haishhh, aturan itu sapa yg bikin?
Sat, 11:32: hihi. orang2 yg aneh ya. iya, bilang aja sudah, aku memilih profesi yg salah.
Sat, 11:52: aku tahu masalahku hari ini. terlalu capek utk siap sedia.
Sat, 12:06: RT @ iThinkEpic: 80% of the people I know in TWITTER its cause I remember there icon pics. But when they change it, im like "Should I kno ...
Sat, 12:19: and I don't want the world to see me...
Sat, 12:20: RT @ salimafillah: Maha Benar Allah; bumi kan diwarisi hambaNya yang Shalih; seperti Ayah-Bunda @ bangumar yang berputra 14; & biarlah yan ...