Tue, 14:51: Tell me why, why are we still friends? When everything says we should be more than we are - 98 degrees
Tue, 16:08: RT @ SayutiningWuri: 5. Allah tidak akan memberikan cobaan di luar batas kekuatan manusia. Dan manusia itu kuattt...°\(^▿^)/° cc: @ rismab ...
Tue, 16:12: RT @ rismabuana88: semoga ini titik balik saya menjadi "greater bayu", Amiin, saya ga tau maksud-Mu, tapi saya percaya itu baik (Q.S. 2 : ...
Tue, 16:13: I wish I could say something to you.. but it's better to see you from far away.
Tue, 16:14: It's unforgiven.. were you as that mad? Then I'm as that good to make you upset. I won't regret... take care if yourself :((
Wed, 00:45: RT @ TheRandomWords: Kissing a girl on her forehead is care, on her cheek is respect, on her lips is love, but kissing her infront of her ...
Wed, 00:54: Bed ;) RT @ 8ga1ban I go to bet now at 7:54. hahaha-! I'm sure I'll get up 10 or 11 o'clock. good night.
Wed, 00:55: Bukanny km org bogor? RT @ Ikalqun Selamat Ulang Tahun Kota Kelahiranku Jakarta,Semoga bisa terus membenahi dir… (cont) http://deck.ly/~aHXuL
Wed, 00:56: RT @ YesThatsSoTrue: Silent fighting is the worst. At least when there’s screaming and yelling you know what the other person is feeling.
Wed, 00:58: RT @ ziska_rizkiana: RT @ WomansWisdom: People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character ...
Wed, 01:00: RT @ CoffeeToffeeSBY: Selamat pagiii! Masih ada kesempatan buat yg pengen dapet tiket nonton NBA Legends gratis,, :)
Wed, 01:01: RT @ infoSBY_: Dirgahayu Kota Jakarta ke-484. Semoga Jakarta menjadi kota yang lebih Indah, lebih nyaman dan lebih baik lagi. @ InfoJKT_
Wed, 01:01: RT @ InfoBALI_: Dirgahayu Kota Jakarta ke-484. Semoga Jakarta menjadi kota yang lebih Indah, lebih nyaman dan lebih baik lagi. @ InfoJKT_
Wed, 01:02: RT @ infoSBY_: Selamat pagi tweeps. Surabaya sedikit dingin ya, tp bukan berarti harus bermalas-malasan kan? Ayo Bangkit & beraktifitas t ...
Wed, 01:02: RT @ ziska_rizkiana: Easy, it's so easy to be happy. Like so easy to be sad or angry.
Wed, 04:31: yappari my english is facing degradation... T_T @ gadizchu my level is 5 from 9.....
Wed, 05:29: ready ready ready for the take off!! yaaaaaay!!! hehehhe... lagu ini enaknyaaa....
Wed, 05:33: I think I'll give up the idea of pulsa 100rb harga 50rb... T_T buy the regular one, Raz.
Wed, 05:47: Wuiii RT @ rinuk86 My babies are tweeting today (^__^) *happy Inspirit is happy*
Wed, 07:17: RT @ salimafillah: Tapi Quran menyebut "musuh" setidaknya 50 kali & "dendam" pun dimiliki mukmin tuk dihapus di surga (QS 7: 43, 15: 47) ...
Wed, 07:18: RT @ WRPdiet: Ladies, Ikuti timeline WRP sore ini, ada latihan di kantor/kampus utk mengurangi kekakuan otot & rasa pegal utk km yg sibuk ...
Wed, 07:18: RT @ ziska_rizkiana: Semoga kita menjadi orang tua yg dapat mengerti & dimengerti oleh anak2 kita nanti. Indahnya saling mengerti. :)
Wed, 07:19: RT @ ViaSpongeBob: When life looks you in the eyes and tells you, "You can't.", God is holding your hand telling you, "You CAN."
Wed, 07:20: RT @ apriskafiolita If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done ☺
Wed, 07:20: RT @ ziska_rizkiana: Ya ampun, kebayang, jd orang tua itu bener2 luar biasa ga mudah. :') Jd kakak yg baik aja aq butuh energi&mental lua ...
Wed, 10:44: Mada, suki desu ka? Haha.. same old question. Atarimaedarou. Klo ga yo aq ga repot2 gini^^
Wed, 10:44: As a friend, as someone I treasure. Sore dake.
Wed, 10:54: Overexcited for nothing.. =) but as long as I'm happy, I take this as good memory in my life. In healthy dosis, please^^
Wed, 10:54: RT @ salimafillah: Berbagi cinta & doa; Emergency Situation di Kamp Pengungsi Palestina, DAMASKUS; no rek. Muamalat 9244632778 an. M FANN ...
Wed, 11:24: RT @ TheRandomWords: Happiness starts with, one word. One joke. One text. One phone call. One song. One hug. One kiss. And stops with, on ...
Wed, 12:04: Me and scheduling is like love-hate relationship. So does with planning..
Wed, 12:20: Ganbatte kudasai RT @ 8ga1ban I'm going to make material of tomorrow's presentation about Yumeoibito. Yumeoibit… (cont) http://deck.ly/~74R9v
Wed, 12:21: RT @ TheRandomWords: If someone wants to be part of your life, they’ll be there, so don’t bother saving a spot for someone who won't make ...