Powell Stupidity

May 16, 2004 16:53

I used to think that Colin Powell was ok. Until I read CNN today. He's outraged that the Arab world isn't more upset with the release of the video showing the beheading of Nicholas Berg, an American Businessman.

This, after the entire world is shown US soldiers torturing Iraqi captives.

Get off your high horse jack ass. We (the US) don't have the moral high-ground to stand on and kick someone.

"I would like to have seen a much higher level of outrage throughout the world, but especially in the Arab world, to this murder," he said.

Granted there is a HUGE difference between abusing captives and beheading someone (a civilan no less). But coming out in public blasting them for not "showing outrage"? Georgie boy sure didn't look outraged. He didn't even sound apologetic. Why should they react any differently?

Where does he get off being outraged over their public response to this. Yes its barbaric. The people who did it should die slow, extremely painful deaths. But berating people that had nothing to do with it won't bring this guy back to life. Won't help his family at all. So whats the point?

Oh yeah, Politics.

Politicians are dumbasses.

Updated: Oh this gets even better. Now there's some concern that the video is either a hoax,
a red herring, or (if actually real) not done by iraqi's.

Check the link for the nauseating detail.
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