money for nothin and who knows maybe some chicks for free

May 11, 2005 22:45

Well let's see you're relatively poor with little to no money. On top of that you live in an apartment that is way to big and way to expensive for you. Obviously, you are in dire need of money. Furthermore, this impoverished condition is magnified in that next semester you will be taking 19 credits of bitch-ass classes so you won't be able to work as much and instead you will have to make some extra cash over summer to make up for lost cash next semester. Now there are two ways to go about this. First, the obvious solution is to work your tail off and kill yourself with a 9-5 job on top of your standard research, classes, tutoring, and volunteering load, however, there is one more option, THE BRENDAN SOLUTION. In the Brendan solution you get randomly contacted by a med student doing his residency at Hurley in pediatric medicine and work out a deal such that he is willing to live more or less as a squatter in your living-room and pay ~$200 a month over summer to basically sleep and study in your living-room!!! Of course, the deal hasn't been sealed yet but tomorrow the dude is coming over to check out the place so I'm naturally doing the little sparkle and shine on my apartment to make it look nice. In addition, I'm also packing tons of random *(@# in my bedroom closet to make it look like the living-room is a lot more spacious than it really is. Sweet!!! It looks like I might actually have money at the end of summer!!! Then again along with the Brendan solution for making money there is the Brendan solution for spending money in which I end up spending the money that I should otherwise be saving on this sweet little honey of a digital camera that I've been eyeballing for past 3 months.
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