Aug 03, 2011 23:20
ho mang. I finally just submitted my application to return to Trent in the fall. I've been attempting to do this since about April, it just never actually happened.
Holy balls, it's expensive! just to apply!
And, of course, now that I've actually done it, after so much posturing, and procrastinating, and getting excited, and getting annoyed with people who don't answer emails, and trying to figure out what the hell courses I want to take so I don't burn myself out, and just never quite getting around to doing it because 'something came up', I'm totally freaking out.
Now I just have to make sure I haven't forgotten (and don't forget) any of the crucial steps in actually making this happen.
I know it will be in my best interest, and I know that I won't regret this decision like I did my year at Fleming. I know that if I keep this ball rolling, I may actually get somewhere with my life. I know that I need to make drastic changes, or I won't ever change anything, and I might as well just give up and move back to my parents' house and work at the plant for the rest of my life.
I know all of these things, but I'm scared of change, and this is going to be a big one.
*inhale, exhale* *inhale, exhale*