I don't understand my sisters... :(

Jan 17, 2013 19:51

So I received a packet today explaining why my sisters have called the family meeting on the 29th, and I comprehend some of the reasons for the new configuration of the family affairs they want to put in place. What I don't understand is why I was excluded from discussions pertaining to this change, and why the change denies me equal participation and control in the family going forward. Basically, they're booting Mom out of the Family Limited Partnership and dividing her partnership assets amongst three, newly-created LLCs: Emerisa Caroline, LLC (named using some permutation of Mara's daughters names, of which Mara is the beneficiary and manager)... PacifiCoda, LLC (named for Liana's horse, Coda, of which Liana is the beneficiary and manager)... and LightWell, LLC (named for who knows what, of which I am the beneficiary, but of which Mara is the manager). I'm sure they'll tell me it's to spare me stress and paperwork or whatever, but to me it is just another ploy to leave me in the dark and disenfranchise me from a fair share of control in family affairs. I mean... Mara and Liana vote 2-to-1 in favor of whatever it is they've put their heads together and decided to do at all times anyways, but by pushing mom out of the partnership and admitting these three new LLCs as limited partners, the bottom line is Liana will control 2/6th of the votes, Mara will control 3/6ths, and I will control the remaining 1/6th. I wish to all the gods I could afford legal representation to watchdog my interests in all this, but they vote against the family assets paying for a lawyer for me while simultaneously voting that their lawyers be paid for.

I don't understand it... I honestly have no idea what reason they have for treating me as a second-class member of the family. I have asked, but have never received an answer, just vague evasions or sweet smiles and denials there's any problem. But back in 2007 (I think it was), my sisters came to San Diego and told me to my face that they were going to screw me over because they could, but provided no explanation. I still don't know what's going on or why? And honestly, I barely care, because there is no reason I can even speculate upon that I would understand as a valid reason to treat a sibling the way I am being treated.

But whatever their reasons... it hurts... and all I can do is go with the flow of their plans and hope things will somehow work out for the three of us. Despite these stresses, I love my sisters very much, and hope that one day we can all find our way to a place of mutual respect and consideration, and where open and honest communication is the way we interrelate.

NEwayz... bummed out... trying not to let disappointment congeal into depression. :(
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