Sep 20, 2012 12:23
So I don't have a reserved parking space at my current address, and we have periodic street-sweeping, so I have gotten a few parking tickets over the last 6 months. Every time I get one, I go immediately to and pay them. An older one from my previous address slipped my notice, and I paid it at the DMV when I renewed my registration.
So get this... the San Diego parking website collects nominal fees, but not ticket payment processing or collection fees, and the DMV doesn't collect those fees on late items that revert to them either, so all these tickets I think I've paid have been racking up invisible collection fees at the City Treasurer Collections Office, compounded with still more invisible late fees and non-payment of invisible fees penalties. WTF!?!
I went online to pay a recent ticket (nominally $52.50) and the computer says I need to call the Collections Office. So I do. They tell me I now owe, in addition to the $52.50 for the new ticket, $286 and change in invisible fees and penalties. None of these are even printed on the statements they've been mailing me the past 6 months! Furthermore... they won't let me pay them! They say the Collections Office only keeps the records for the Parking Division, and the Parking Division referred me to Collections 'cuz the fees are now in arrears! I have to go down to the City Treasurer building and go back and forth between two different windows until they can sort it out, and it will probably be $400 at that point! And there's a service fee for having to talk to a person downtown! I am struggling to survive as it is, and have that f*cking court hearing tomorrow morning about still more money I'm being sued for, so... AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!
(Breathe, Bynner... breathe...)
We do pretty well as a species, but I swear, sometimes our civilization is just stupid. Grr! ;(