Aug 28, 2006 13:39
...when I ask for input on "What Should I Sing For My Audition?"
Trying out for an adult show choir in Alexandria next Tuesday. I haven't really dug through the old sheet music in awhile, but some songs that come to mind:
"Tell Me On A Sunday" Pros: I've auditioned with it like 15 times, so it's easy, plus I should have the music somewhere. Cons: It's kind of boring.
"Someone Else's Story" Pros: I think I sound really good on it. I love Chess. Cons: My Chess book doesn't have it in it, since it's from the bastardized Americanization, so I'd have to buy it. But I think I can get it online for like $4.
"Class": Pros: It's comedy, which I do well (I would do "Popular" from Wicked, but last time I did it they totally messed up the rhythm on the piano, so I'm wary); I have the music. Cons: I'm not sure it shows off my voice; it's mildly vulgar, though that shouldn't usually be a problem.
"Summer in Ohio": Pros: Also comedy; I think it'd be really funny to do a song mocking Ohio. And I love JRB. Cons: Don't have it, haven't done it before, think one part might be too high for me.
"It's An Art": Ok, this prob won't happen, b/c I don't actually remember how it goes, and I don't have the music. But I saw "Working" not too long ago and remember saying to myself, "Damn, that'd be a great audition song."
Any thoughts, from those who know these songs? Ok, this is mostly directed towards Rachel. Any better suggestions?