four drabbles; a pink, big bang, exo, hello venus, shinee, snsd

Mar 16, 2013 14:41

i did these for a writing prompt on tumblr over the last day or two and i figured: why not move them here? i have a few more to do (and i may end up scraping for more prompts from people over the next week) so there may be another post coming soon. i just figured four was a good number of drabbles to group together. enjoy! (i hope)

kiss it better
(original prompt: nurse me)
drabble; g; 510 words

“It hurts, unnie.”

Chorong frowned into the receiver of her phone, struggling to balance an arm full of sloppily put together schedules their manager had shoved in her direction without the slightest of warning. Who even printed those things off anymore when the highest of technology was fully within their grasps? She rolled her eyes at the thought as her dongsaeng let out a low groan on the other end of their call.

“I’m right outside the dorms, Bomi, how bad could…,” she trailed off, kicking her foot upward to latch onto the handle of the door into their dorms. And it was… unlocked, smooth move there on her friend’s part. Closing the door with the back of her heel, she let out a low huff. “Okay, where are you?”

“In my room - oh god, I think I’m dying, unnie.”

Furrowing her eyebrows together at her choice of word, Chorong dropped the stack of schedules onto their kitchen counter, allowing her purse to slink it’s way off of her arm and onto the ground below her as she begun toward Bomi’s dorm, ending their call along the way.

“Is is really that bad? You should have given one of the other girls a call, they’re closer to the building than I was or manag-…” She found herself pausing again as she turned into the dorm Bomi called her own - eyes locking on the Bomi who was resting fairly comfortably, and alive, against the frame of her bed. She stood by as a pout crossed Bomi's lips, dominant hand detaching from the other than had been cradling it, jabbing a finger in her direction.

“It’s bleeding.”

“It’s a… paper cut. You called me crying over a paper cut?”

“There was more blood than this before I got here, I swear, it just kind of stopped bleeding… around the time I heard the door open, but it still hurts, unnie. What if it gets infected and my finger falls off?”

Letting out a sigh at her friend’s ramble, Chorong moved over to a small nightstand resting against the side of her bed - reaching into the top drawer for a wet nap before turning back toward Bomi. Stepping toward her, she gave a disbelieving shake of her head before dropping down next to Bomi, opening up the packet and reaching for her hand. “You’d think after all these year’s I’d expect you to get wound up over something small like a paper cut.”

“But it really did hurt.” Another frown was shot in her direction and that was enough to make Chorong cave in to her.

“I believe you,” she replied back, twisting the napkin over the tip of her finger before throwing it into a nearby trash can.

“Thank you, unnie,” Bomi smiled at her, taking back her finger before pausing - and jutting it back at Chorong. “Kiss it better?”

Watching as Chorong’s face squished up into something like disgust (though it was more put on for show than anything), she pouted again.

“Maybe after you go and wash your hands.”

no trophy for you
(original prompt: invite me)
drabble; g; 682 words

It was common knowledge (thanks to a loud mouth that went by Joon - if that was even his real name - which it wasn’t) that Kim Jonghyun answered most of the phone calls he received within two seconds time. Not because he had nothing better to do, but because he was interested in why someone would actually take time out of their “busy” schedule to give him a ring.
Or, in this case, send him a text.

What wasn’t as well known was how quickly Kim Taeyeon could respond to a message. He’d barely had the time to roll himself off the center of his bed before there was a new message in his inbox.

I’m bored, they didn’t schedule anything for me. Come join me in misery.

It wasn’t exactly the romantic sentiment he was lookingg for (not to say that he was looking for anything romantic to begin with - maybe), but it was better than nothing. His day had been dragging by pretty slowly anyway.

After shuffling through his closet for a decent looking, but not too flashy, shirt and stumbling lazily out the front door of the group’s dorm, he jumped into his car - making the short trip to So Nyeo Shi Dae’s (SNSD, Girl’s Generation, whatever they were calling it these days) dorm. He knew that the possibility of anything else being around was slim to none - everyone had moved out of the dorm, minus a select few and the obvious. Not that it mattered or anything.

Stepping up to the front buzzer of the building, he pressed his fingers against the button - surprised at how quickly a voice came out of the speaker. Three, four seconds later? If even that. “Hi, it’s -…”

Barely managing to finish his greeting, he was met with the sound of the front door unlocking, shrugging his shoulders as he made his way in it’s direction - entering the building and beginning up toward the dorm. When he found himself on the right floor and hallway, he slowly begun down it, hands bunched into the front pockets of his jeans before spotting a tiny figure peeking out from the door he was headed toward.

“Hey, you!” The voice called out before disappearing back behind the frame again - only to be replaced by a hand bearing something clunky and electronic looking moments afterward, waving freely in his direction as he finally made it too the entrance. “Ever play Mario Kart before?”

Raising an eyebrow at the smaller girl, he let out a chuckle, grabbing the remote from out of her grasp. “Who hasn’t?”

“You’d be surprised,” she let out before turning away from him and starting toward a small couch situated at the center of a large television. Jonghyun watched as she kicked her legs up onto the coffee table in front of it, shutting the door behind him as he made his way to the couch himself.

“I really hope you don’t cry when you lose at games too,” Taeyeon turned her head to look at him, lips fixed in a somewhat mocking pout.

“Yeah, couldn’t tell you the answer to that one,” he replied as he jumped over the top cushion of the couch, taking seat next to her, readying the controller in front of him. “I never lose.”

“We’ll see about that,” Taeyeon replied back to him before jutting her finger down onto the “start” button of her controller, a smile crossing her lips as the opening “movie” begun. “I have dibs on Petey Piranha though - just saying. I’ll kick your ass if you try to steal him from me.”

Letting out a scoff, Jonghyun followed suit as she begun to press down onto the controls of her remote. “And be unfaithful to Princess Peach? I think you’re safe there.”

“Of course you’d pay as Princess Peach. Typical.”

“Typical,” he gave a roll of his eyes. “Just start the game.”

“Oh, I am.” And, with a concentrated squint of her eyes, she did just that. Her eyes were really cute crinkled like that, but… she was also kind of terrifying when in the zone. Jonghyun gulped at this realization.

crash my party
(original prompt: drink me)
big bang/snsd
drabble; g; 759 words
(with implications of jessica/top, topsica, w/e)

“I’m embarrassed, this is embarrassing.” Jessica Jung curled up into the dark corner of the VIP lounge the girls and her had been lucky enough to score that night. Their second Japanese tour had proven to be nothing but stress for them so far, and a night out in Seoul during their few days without scheduled had seemed like a fantastic idea.
She just hadn’t expected anyone else to crash their party.

It hadn’t been planned or anything - she knew that if Big Bang wanted to score a private room for themselves at any given club within the city, they could without a second thought. Hell, they could buy out the entire place for the night if they wanted to but that wasn’t how things had gone. Apparently club management had fucked up on their scheduling - and given the two very different groups the same room for the same night.

The look on the face of the man maintaing the back entrance of the club had pretty much given away that something was wrong the second they’d got there, but she’d ignored it until stepping into the actual room and catching glimpse of the group of five. The reactions of the other girls had varied. Both Taeyeon and Sunny had seemed like they could care less about what was going on, the duo retreating to the back of the room to order up drinks for the group. Tiffany had been excited to see the boys - especially Daesung, whom she had apparently clicked well with when the YG group’s last promotions and her hosting on Music Core had crossed. Seohyun had tagged along with her, seemingly charmed by the boy’s enthusiastic greetings toward them.

Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, and Yoona were the four that she had to worry about. It hadn’t taken long after their arrival there for all hell to break loose there.

Jessica watched in complete horror as tried to break it down to a godawful remix of late nineties pop hits. The dubbed dancing machine (when not in ear shot of Miss Tiffany “pop it and lock it” Hwang - who was always trying to rebut the title and claim it as her own nowadays) had already driven Taeyang into a nearby bathroom to cry over a sixty second dance battle he had lost to her.

She didn’t even want to start on what she’d seen go on with Sooyoung and Seungri either. She’d been pretty convinced that one rap battle in the past between the two had been enough, but apparently not.

God, this was worse than that time they’d been forced to competitive double dutch each other.

Letting out a whimper against the top of her glass, Jessica clicked her feet back down onto the ground in front of her, readying herself to run off and hide in the bathroom until everyone was ready to leave when a disembodied voice caught her off guard. Deeper, far deeper than any that she was used to.

“I understand that, I’m embarrassed too.” Gaze shifting slowly to the side, she let out a small yelp as she took in the sight in front of her: the ever so well known and acclaimed side profile of the other group’s rapper, slumped over, a look of total mortification spread across his features that may have perfectly mirrored her own. T.O.P. Seunghyun, or whatever he went by these days.

“How long have you been there for?”

“For long enough to hear… that,” he trailed off awkwardly, placing his glass onto the surface of the table in front of them.

“Oh.” At least he hadn’t been watching her or something, that would have been a bit disconcerting. “Why aren’t you out there with the oth-… oh god.” Raising her hands cover her eyes as she watched the leader of the other group ready his pose for a rather awkward looking selca with Yuri, she groaned again. “No, you don’t have to answer that, I think I know why.”

“I’m used to it coming from them but all of this… embarrassing energy combined, it’s proving to be kind of suffocating,” he paused. “I guess we can just embarrassed together.”

Giving a small nod of her head, Jessica took a quick gulp of her drink. “Yeah, I don’t think I’d make it through the rest of the night without some sort of support system.”

“I’ll be your support system then,” he replied back to her, leaning forward to grab hold of his drink again before turning it in her direction. “Let’s drink to that.”

Flashing him a smile, Jessica turned her glass downward to clink against his. “Let’s.”

got me on my toes
(original prompt: invite me)
drabble; g; 828 words
(sequel of sort to: you capture my attention)

It was difficult to make friends with anyone outside of their company. At least, to make friends and maintain the friendship healthily. Kyungsoo had learned this that hard way once or twice; connections forged with members of other rookie groups only to fall apart as quickly as they’d started. The only friendships he’d actually been able to keep were within his group and with people he’d known during and before training - like Hyunsik. He was a good friend. He was a good person.
Yoonjo was a good person too though, which was why he was feeling so adamant about making this work. This… thing that they had. Whatever it may have been.

Crossing and uncrossing his feet against the legs of the bench he was seated on, he let out a sigh, the chilly March air enveloping him as he reached into a small bag at his side. Pulling out two sandwiches that he had snagged at a small market on the way there, and a thermos filled to the brim with hot chocolate, his eyes shifted from one end of the park to the next.

He’d tried to choose an area that was pretty secluded from the rest of the place, he just wasn’t sure if that’d been the best idea now. What if she couldn’t find him? Not that they couldn’t just call each other and meet up somewhere else, but…

“Hey!” An exuberant voice greeted him from the side, the weight on the bench shifting lightly as another frame took seat next to him. He felt like a total cheeseball for even thinking it but - it felt like things had gotten warmer the second she plopped down next to him. She was just like that.

“Hi,” he greeted back, turning his head to take in the petite redhead, lips turned upward into the bright smile he’d memorized via countless live performances and the few times they’d actually managed to spend their free time together since that last spring.

Wow, almost a year back. It’d almost been a year. He smiled at the thought.

“I brought us sandwiches!” She let out, her tone seeming to up an octave due to her excitement - she was glowing. Was she really that happy about the sandwiches or… was she that happy to see him?

Laughing though, at the realization that they’d both brought along sandwiches, he picked the two packages off of his lap and wiggled them in front of her. “I did too.”

Her smile remained intact. “Wow, great minds think alike, right? What’s the chance of them being the same kind, too? I mean, I went with ham and cheese, that’s pretty common and all but still.”

“Turkey and cheese,” he gave a shrug as he unwrapped one of the packages and offered it off to her. His company mirrored his action - taking one of her own and handing it in his direction. “Close enough,” he mumbled as he took as bite of his sandwich, turning to the side to grab the thermos. “I brought hot chocolate too.”

“Ooh,” Yoonjo let out, free hand wiggling in a “gimme” motion before Kyungsoo paused.

“I think I…,” he trailed off, reaching into his bag for the two styrofoam cups that he had placed on the kitchen counter at the dorm, which were apparently missing in action. Sighing, “I left the cups at home.”

“That’s okay. It’s a thermos, right? They’re built to be drank out of,” Yoonjo chuckled lightly. “I don’t mind sharing it with you, anyway. If you’re cool with that? I’m not sick or anything, you’re safe.”

Unscrewing the cap on the thermos with a matching chuckle, Kyungsoo took a quick drink of the chocolate - letting out a sigh of relief as it traveled down his throat, warming him further. Passing it off to Yoonjo, he watched her as she took a drink for herself, leaning back against the back of the bench. “You know…,” he trailed off, his hands wrapping tighter around his sandwich. “It’s almost been a year since that time we met backstage.”

“Has it really?” Yoonjo’s eyes grew somewhat at the revelation - before softening to match the smile, still intact since arrival, but seeming to grow wider and wider as time went on by. “That’s so cool. I’m glad we actually kept in contact.”

“I am too,” he agreed with a nod of his head. “You’re a good friend to have, to do… little things like this with, you know?”

His eyes turned away from Yoonjo momentarily, listening to her as she shifted back and forth between drinking out of the thermos and crinkling the wrapper of her sandwich between her fingers. “It is,” she finally spoke up. “I’m just kind of curious about something.”


“Yeah,” she paused. “Why haven’t you asked me out yet?”

And, without a second’s notice, a perfectly good ham and cheese sandwich had hit to ground below Kyungsoo’s feet. Eyes wide, lips parted, wondering how to answer a question he honestly should have asked himself months earlier.

☆: d.o/yoonjo, g: a pink, ☆: jonghyun/taeyeon, g: snsd, g: hello venus, r: g, g: big bang, g: shinee, g: exo, ☆: bomi/chorong, drabble

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