Bows and Bowls

Apr 14, 2008 21:52

Today wasn't one of those days where I had a zillion things scheduled, but I still felt pretty busy. I think this was in large part due to all the food things that needed doing. I had used up almost all of the frozen pasta sauce and my lunch soup, plus Joel was out of cookies and breakfast. Oh no! Anyway, after the store, I managed to make dinner plus soup, sauce, scones, cookies and chopped fresh vegetables for Joel's lunch. I also used just about every bowl in the house. The gigantic pile of dirty dishes that I've got goin' on is pretty impressive. However, this should keep us for quite a while.

Just about the only other thing that I managed to do today was replace the bows on my hair clips. I had made some, and they just weren't cutting it. So, I hacked them off and then realized that with only four hair clips that really hold my hair up ('cause I have so much of it) I was going to either have to keep buying hair clips to keep up with my projects or have to come up with a clever plan. I chose the clever plan option. I punched holes in the metal hair clips (after a ton of work) and used my fancy snap press to attach plastic snaps. Then I attached some snaps to the bows (I used ribbon with wire on the edges). Ta da! Now I can swap ornaments on my hair clips. Amusingly, a friend commented this weekend that my taste in books is that of a 50 year old man - then Joel said, "Yeah, but she dresses like a 6 year old girl." Yep, the bows help with that.

Anyway, I'm off to work on cleaning up the kitchen before heading off to bed.

food, sewing

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