The Powdered Milk Review

Mar 14, 2008 12:56

So, I've been working on figuring out ways to cut my food costs, and those $6/gallon containers of organic milk were looking like an obvious target, especially since I go through at least a gallon a week. I tried out the powdered organic milk from Organic Valley. It is okay, but it can be a bit of an effort to get it to dissolve. It is exactly the same cost as the non-dried milk, so that is a bit useless. Bob's Red Mill, from which I get all my grains and flour already, sells non-fat powdered milk, but they had no qualifiers on what was in the milk. I emailed them and got no response, so I called. It looks like the cows aren't given rBGH, so I'll have to try it out. If I buy it in vast quantities, I can get the price down to $2.84 a gallon, which is a pretty good savings. I'm also going to start going with their powdered buttermilk too. Oh, and in happy flour news, apparently their flour has a shelf-life of 2 years. So, if I order 75 pounds of flour at a stretch, it won't get yucky if it sits in my shed for 4 months. Now, if I could just come up with a way to combine this with a trip to Portland, we could save the cost of shipping.


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