Good Stuff

Mar 12, 2008 21:05

Today has been a really nice day. I haven't gotten any sewing done at all, but I did manage to get all the instructions that I need for the seeds I have bought into a spreadsheet. I've organized everything by planting date, so that now I should be able to get stuff into the ground at the right time. *crosses fingers* I have really got to get out and buy the little peat pellets that you plant seeds in if you are planting them indoors, 'cause I've got some seeds that need to get planted now.

I also visited a friend from the Peace Corps group today. She's so fun! We just blabbed for about two and a half hours. I think that it would be awesome to do a potluck dinner party with her and her husband, Joel and I, and another couple or two (sadly, more means crowding). If nothing else, I think I will try to organize a big outing to see Joel in the play.

So much to do, so little time. I'm off to do something else.
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