Slightly Unsteady and Menu

Apr 16, 2021 23:05

Joel was away for a couple of days, which means has kind of gotten me off balance. So, I'm not doing quite as well as I could possibly be doing. However, I'm okay. I think I'm also a bit freaked out because we have a bunch of stuff coming up. It will be okay, though. Oh, and speaking of okay, I made it through another appointment with a doctor and got a clean report. So, on to the next one. Okay, I counted. There are seven more on my list. Each one wants a return visit, so it never ends. Also, the last one gave me a new doctor to see, in addition to returning to him. * shrug * That's why we live somewhere that has affordable medical costs. In good news, I've found out the type of doctor I need to see about my sinus problems, so I'm one step closer to getting that resolved.

In sad news, the mother of one of my ex-boyfriends died. His is already dead (suicide), so it isn't like he is suffering. However, I corresponded with her for years and will miss her. This is another one of those situations where I'm the last person alive who will remember things that three of us shared. * sigh *

Going back to the beginning of this post, Joel was away playing music, so that is good. And while I accomplished little, I did do some writing, finally finishing up a chapter for one story that I had needed to add in (I write my stories in order, so I dislike having to add a chapter). I also have started a much shorter fanfic for Fallout 4 and finished a chapter of that. My programming project keeps chugging along. I have finish a couple of libraries and am almost done with a third, which is one of the larger ones. When this is done, I'll be putting them into an actual website and doing the debugging (please, let this work correctly). Of course, there will be problems, but I'm a bit worried that I've made some conceptual mistakes that will render all my clever plans moot.

Now, though, it is time to get to bed, since tomorrow is tai chi, and I need to be functional enough to leave the house (something I couldn't accomplish today).

Joel's Menu
  • Monday: Salad aka Sloppy Joes
  • Tuesday: Fasting
  • Wednesday: Shepherd's Pie
  • Thursday: Fresh fish
  • Friday: Fasting
  • Saturday: Tikka Masala
  • Sunday: Pizza

menu, mental health

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