Doing surprisingly well

Sep 13, 2020 18:37

So, I've given up on dieting for the moment and am focusing on being healthy. I may have already said this. Already, I feel so much more healthy and able to do stuff. Yay for having energy! Anyway, so that is going well. Also, being super careful about my blood sugar has helped, although sometimes it is still low. However, I am more likely to know at that time that my blood sugar is low, so that is pretty helpful. Anyway, not much else going on here. I am rereading one of my favorite long fanfic stories, so all my attention is focused on that right now.

Joel's Menu
  • Monday: Club sandwich
  • Tuesday: Fasting
  • Wednesday: Steak Salad
  • Thursday: Salmon Sandwiches
  • Friday: Fasting
  • Saturday: Thai Chicken Curry
  • Sunday: Pizza

My Menu
  • Monday: Salmon on cauliflower with cucumber and dill weed
  • Tuesday: Chicken on cauliflower with cucumber, garlic, and sauerkraut
  • Wednesday: Pork on cauliflower with brussels sprouts, cucumber, and vinegar
  • Thursday: Chicken on cauliflower with brussels sprouts and mustard
  • Friday: Pork on cucumber with brussels sprouts, radishes, mustard, and parsley
  • Saturday: Chicken on cauliflower with cucumber
  • Sunday: Pork on spinach with cauliflower, cabbage, radishes, sauerkraut, and pickles

bloodsugar, menu, mental health

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