Dream Journal?

Mar 14, 2020 10:47

A book I'm reading is suggesting that I keep a dream journal. I don't know if I really want to, though. I have tons of super vivid dreams thanks to the mefloquine, and I normally just want to forget that I spent the whole night dealing with weird bathrooms and strange food. However, it could be amusing.

This morning, I dreamed that I was out walking around and a bunch of British teenagers hassled me. (Probably, based on a Facebook post, where a friend who teaches in England said that she bought a big container of toilet paper and was mocked by school kids.) Then, I wandered through the University of Oregon campus, where they were having a huge street fair. Eventually, I went into the dorm room of our friend Sarah G, although it was like a huge house. There was a huge party, and they were having chocolate cake with chocolate sauce. I complained that I was hassled by kids "as thought I was in Clockwork Orange". I was trying to find a bathroom. In one room, I picked up a bunch of dirty towels. Eventually, I found a bathroom, but when I opened the door, I discovered that someone was taking a bath in one of the two huge bath tubs.

I ran into Sarah G after that, and she took the towels, among which were two pairs of old-fashioned looking pants with lots of lace and stuff. She wanted to know where I got them, but I told her that they were probably selling them at the street fair outside. Then she game me a hug and kiss and offered me some falafel. I said I couldn't have it because of wheat, but she said that she got a commercial kind that doesn't have wheat. I took some, and it turned out to be fried fish. I shared it with my mom. They had used crushed Corn Chex for the crust, which was tasty. We were standing on a balcony eating the fish/falafel, and a really weird car went by (like something designed by Dr. Seuss). I used the car to distract someone who was trying to steal my fish. Then, I was outside by the car, and the guy in the car - who may have been a character from a video game I play - was trying to take the fish. Then, the other person who wanted my fish showed up. That person's dog stuck their nose in my fish and ate some of it. Then, I woke up.

dream journal

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