Books and Computers

Mar 13, 2020 18:36

I have finally done it! I have finally upgraded my computer to Windows 10. I dislike it, but I don't hate it as much as I did when it first came out. It is important to have regular updates and not use old, unsupported software/operating systems.

I am annoyed by people who declare that schools shouldn't be closed because of coronavirus. I didn't bother arguing. I'm sure someone else will do that for me.

I am reading more now that I have instituted a system where I read many books at the same time and rotate to a different one at the end of a chapter/when what I am reading becomes too boring or upsetting. I am working through some of the books that I stopped reading in the middle for one reason or another and have resolved that either I will finish them or I will decide that I have had enough and not finish them, instead of letting the book sit in my "currently reading" pile forever. I've also decided that I'm going to go back to reading books that won Hugo awards. Yes, some of them are awful (I'm looking at you, James Blish), but there are a bunch that I haven't read and that I'm really looking forward to reading. I'm also going to reread some especially good ones, like "The Left Hand of Darkness", "Ringworld", and "The Lathe of Heaven". I also remember liking books that won Pulitzer prizes, so I may try to read some more of those too (for my reference: Fiction, History, General Non-Fiction, Biography/Autobiography).


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