Feb 03, 2006 22:46
i am sitting at home once again on a weekend night. my life nowadays consists of church, building research, and lots and lots of driving from home to montgomery and back. i ned to start logging my mileage from now on because it can be deducted on taxes.
i am in charge of small groups at church now and we are getting ready to kick off a new semester. i will be leading my youth group on thurs nights, mens bible study wed. mornings, an all church bible study and worship time on wednesday nights, and then trying to do some sort of group for all of my small group leaders. in other words, church stuff will be keeping me busy.
i have started my second semester of grad school. it is looking good so far. i am taking homiletics (preaching), a christian evidences class, and intro to pastoral counseling. i really like the counseling professor. he has some ideas that are very similar to mine as far as church goes.
i have really been questioning my calling alot lately. before anyone panics, i am not referring to ministry in general but youth ministry. i get discouraged because i don't have a huge group, i get discouraged when one of my youth doesn't show up because that means that i am missing a large part of the group. i know that it isn't about numbers but i feel so limited in what i can and can't do. have you ever tried to plan an economical trip for 3 kids and then have one drop out the day before? not fun. anyway, that was not said to fish for encouragement it was just venting and venting is good. i really feel like i connect with college kids and older, i guess we'll see what happens when i lead what i hope to be a church-wide bible study. maybe there the strengths will show through where thay may not in youth ministry.
this building thing can be all consuming. there are so many little details. there are so many little hoops to jump through. i am just ready to get moving on it a.s.a.p.
on a totally random tangent
when it comes to church, why do we fake it? why do we walk in with our thin glass facade that distorts our pain into a rigid smile that says i'm fine. i am not asking because i have pain right now but i know that every sunday there are individuals that sit in the seats that are in the middle of a divorce, or their boss works them too much, or their child has just been arrested for drug possession. maybe their first thought every morning and last thought every night is how can i end my miserable life. how can we as a church sit by while human beings search for meaning, acceptance, and someone to extend a hand and raise them up to a higher level.
are we different from the characters in the story of the good samaritan? we can step over the homeless man as we go through the church doors and then sing songs of praise and worship, say a prayer and walk out, tripping over the same man. i am tired of it. i want to focus outward. i don't want to spend money on decorations or the latest church craze that will "help you reach millions" i am tired of the gimmicks, i want the real thing. i am tired of the facade, i want to look into the ugly twisted face of a broken man. i want to look at him face to face and both our countenances be changed. i want both of our faces to reflect the love and joy of a caring creator. we have all heard that it is impossible to meet someone and not have an interaction. why not make it a positive one. i want to be impacted by him and i want him to be impacted by the love of Christ through me.
ask people how you can serve them today.
i heard it said earlier to "do the next right thing." so what that you are a good person, who cares that you put your tithe check in the offering plate every sunday. do you really think that i am impressed by your self-righteousness. the answer is no, and i am not impressed with mine either. what does show something to me is that you are willing to do the next right thing, regardless of where that places you. you may lose that promotion, that relationship, that opportunity, but as i see it you have gained integrity, and respect for the right reasons.
so for today, and tomorrow, and forever
"do the next right thing" your life depends on it
all for now