Explaining Paprika's powers/Permissions Post

Aug 27, 2010 15:45

Paprika has a few abilities that I feel should be explained a little.

First thing: Paprika is not a physical being in Luceti.

Now let me clarify what this means. Paprika will still be in Luceti and in the village, but she will be near invisible to everyone. It's the same way in the movie - she is a literal dream and can't just be seen by everybody. If your character has some supernatural sight or is drawn towards dreams for whatever reason, then they will be able to see Paprika outside in the village without her having to resort to image imposing. Just being a magical character won't mean you can see her. Please keep this in mind.

Sidenote: Paprika will be visible through journal cameras, thanks to her image imposing ability.

Now to her abilities.

Dream Hopping: A name that's rather self-explanatory. When you sleep you dream - you might not always remember it, but that's normally because on non-REM sleep. Even animals are proven to have dreams. While your character sleeps Paprika is able to enter their subconscious and their dream. She can leave the dream of her free will or if the person sleeping wakes up.

What can Paprika do in dreams? also known as Paprika =/= Inception.

Dreams for Paprika are like playgrounds. She can interact with her surroundings, change her outfit and just generally mess around. Normally while she's doing this she is dissecting why your character is dreaming about all this weird stuff.

Paprika won't be able to figure out any secrets your character is hiding, unless they are dreaming about the secret. She's not psychic and can figure out from one unrelated dream that your character has some giant secret. Only if your character dreams about the secret could she possibly figure it out.

Last notes:

-Normally when you dream you don't even realize it. Well Paprika can make your character realize they are dreaming. Her presence alone can cause the conscious mind to snap from inside the dream once she enters (unless you're in some incredibly deep sleep, like a coma, as seen in the movie).
-Paprika will have her filial wings when she is inside dreams. Whether your character does is up to you.
-When your character wakes up it is your choice whether they pass off seeing Paprika as a dream or not. However next to their bedside or on their person is a small calling card.

Image Imposing: This will not only be Paprika's most used power, but it will allow your character to see Paprika outside of a dream. Image imposing allows Paprika to jump into pictures. Yes, she can quite literally jump into pictures. According to the movie's explanation, pictures are created from a mix of our conscious and subconscious mind and sometimes repressed desires. For this reason Paprika can enter a picture like it was a dream and mess around with the insides of it.

It's not only pictures that are effected by image imposing. She can also impose her image into reflections from mirrors, windows and even water. While in your reflection Paprika can talk with your character, but if the reflection is disturbed for whatever reason then she goes away. This includes someone coming into the reflection, like a second person from behind you. Have fun being called crazy when your friends see you talking to a window.

And there's one other thing she can do with this-

Image Pull: As the name implies, Paprika can pull your character into a picture with her. Now let me clarify what this means- Paprika cannot literally just pull your character into the picture, but rather her presence in the picture means you can enter it as well.

You know how your mind wanders while you daydream and the real world is sort of lost to you. While your mind is wandering around, if Paprika is in a picture nearby you can wander yourself inside of the picture with her. It is the only time you can see Paprika physically outside of dreams or supernatural sight. Inside the picture you are free to do what you want, like Paprika. However once your mind snaps back from wandering you will be forced out. The picture you were in will remain unchanged, no matter what you do inside of it. If Paprika leaves the picture then you'll be forced out as well.

Forms you might see Paprika use: Other than her normal red shirt, blue jeans, there are also-

Fairy girl
Monkey King (comes with cloud to ride on)
Oedpius Sphinx
Toy doll

And these are just a few seen in the movie. She is a limitless being who can turn into anything she imagines really.

Now for permissions.

1) Can your character dream? (Pretty much everyone dreams, but this is rp land. If you don't think your character is capable of dreaming then put so here. If you respond with No, then skip questions 2 and 3)
2) Can Paprika enter your character's dream? (this won't be done without prior permission anyway)
3) What can Paprika expect to find in your character's dream? (As a sidenote, I'm welcome to anything really.)
4) Can Paprika hop into your character's reflection?
5) Is your character's eyesight privy to seeing the supernatural. (Ghosts and what not. Please note that being a demon won't mean your character can see her. This is seeing things that nobody should regularly see, like a dream in broad daylight).

If you have any other questions just drop a comment here.


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