
Aug 24, 2010 03:09


Name PAPRIKA (her name is technically supposed to be in all caps, but just Paprika is fine too)
Fandom: Paprika (2006 Movie)
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 18, is actually less than a year old.
Time Period: End of the movie.
Wing Color: Transparent (it will have a visible outline that makes it obvious she has wings, but it will show everything that’s behind her)
History: Summary of the Paprika movie


Paprika is close to nothing like her human counterpart. She's far more adventurous, light-hearted, teasing and has a very casual air about her. This is due to the implications that Paprika is a dream girl created from Atsuko’s repressed desires to be more open, like Tokita. Perhaps the only common thing Paprika shares with Atsuko Chiba is her sometimes stubborn nature, when it comes to helping others and not letting someone delude themselves. She can also be very reckless because of it, telling Osanai that he was a jealous coward while he had her imprisoned and under the threat of being destroyed.

Of course she isn’t always reckless - in fact, she warns Atsuko telepathically twice when she feels the other might be getting herself in danger and is shown being rather cautious when going through the hole seen in Tokita’s dream. While she can be rather catty like Atsuko, she also knows her limits and won’t go further into dangerous territory if she feels threatened.

Even people who are close to Paprika won't be excused from a good reality check when needed - during the movie there's a scene where Paprika even calls out Atsuko, her own human counterpart, about how she always thinks her way is right and denies her own heart of its desires. This means that Paprika can get into trouble quite easily, as she doesn’t seem to get worried or afraid of things very easily. While getting the head chief out of the dream coma that he was put into she is completely calm through it, showing hardly any sort of worry or concern, even when Himuro turned her into a china doll and tried to use the zoned out chief to take advantage of her. Only time she shows any sort of fear is during the first signs of the dream parade leaking into reality and when Osanai is ripping off her skin while she is held captive by him.

This doesn’t mean she is uncaring or nasty towards others normally. Paprika is a dream girl designed to help others get over their internal struggles and is always kind to others unless they deserve her anger. There is a large goodwill mentality that she tries to project and is always willing to listen to others. Even if they feel they aren’t worth listening to, she would always be willing to lend an ear to someone. To her, interacting with others is a joy in its own and learning new things about the people she speaks with always puts her in a good mood. If somebody truly needs help and comes to her she won’t brush them or ignore them and will do her best to assist them in any way she can. She also tries to encourage others to be more open and try new things that may go outside their comfort zone. This might make her look pushy and prying, but she doesn’t do it because she’s a nag or anything of that sort. She just wants people to be happy with who they are, inside and out.

Paprika finds a very large empowerment in choices and tends to dislike people who think their way of thinking is superior. She believes in having a collaboration of thoughts, not in a dictatorship where everyone must follow the ideals of one person. Whether the person is good or bad, beings who attempt to control things that they have no right to don’t sit well with her. It reminds her very much of a certain baldy, who blurred the barrier between reality and dreams in order to control both worlds just because of what he thought both worlds should be like. Of course, this leads to some minor hypocrisy on her part.

Dreams, to her, are like movies. Although she wouldn’t (normally) intrude into someone’s dream without their permission at the same time she finds these personal worlds interesting and loves interacting with them in some way, as she is able to express her unlimited creativity inside of them by transforming and moving around. Due to being a dream herself, Paprika is unable to physically sleep and doesn’t have a subconscious mind of her own. This is why she enjoys going into dreams and pictures, as it is her only way to be free. Even so, she believes that going into someone’s dream should be done if it’s with their consent or unless it’s absolutely necessary (such as when the detective was beginning to enter a dream coma and she had to help make sure he didn’t).

Paprika is more intelligent than she usually lets on, but hardly flaunts it around. Just by looking at what someone is dreaming she can dissect what the other is feeling. After all that is the reason she was created: to be a dream detective. It isn’t known for sure whether or not Paprika keeps things confidential as most psychiatrists do, but if Atsuko does then it’s likely that Paprika would also keep what she talks about with others private. The only time she might consider telling someone else about people’s dreams is if she feels they may be under threat.


Paprika’s main strength is dream hopping. That is she can quite literally go into another’s subconscious while they are asleep and observe their dream. Normally when people are dreaming they don’t even realize it, but Paprika’s presence can cause the conscious mind to snap and become self-aware. While in the world of dreams Paprika can manipulate her own body and transform herself into what she wants. These forms include fairies, mermaids and even a monkey king riding a cloud. She can also manipulate the dreams of others to some extent (such as making the chief inflate and explode during the early part of the movie), but this power will be removed for the sake of not godmodding another character’s dream.

Another power Paprika has is similar to dream hopping - image imposing. The movie explains that because things like pictures, the internet and anything created by the imagination is a sanctuary made by one’s repressed desires and subconscious thoughts, Paprika can impose her image into them. Since Luceti has no internet connection it will be limited to pictures. She will also be able to impose herself into someone’s reflection. Inside of the pictures Paprika can interact with the surroundings of her image: the picture itself becomes a separate world for her. While inside the picture Paprika cannot be harmed, unless someone attempts to destroy the picture she is currently in (since it would be the equivalent of someone trying to destroy the world in the picture). If someone wanders into the picture with her they can physically harm her as well, as seen when Osanai attacked her while they were in an image from Oedipus Rex. She can also hop through one picture to another, provided that the second picture she'll go into is visible to her eyes. This ability will also be used to impose her image into the journal cameras, allowing her to communicate with others while not being a physical being.

There is an implication during the movie that it is possible for her to pull someone’s subconscious into the image with her, if they allow their mind to wander into it (which explains how the police detective was able to meet her literally inside a bar on the internet) similar to a daydream. She won’t be able to force anyone into a picture and they can leave anytime they want if they snap themselves out of their wandering mind.

Emotionally, Paprika is incredibly self-confident in her beliefs and won’t lie to another just to make them feel better. She tries to get to know the people she interacts with as much as possible and even likes interacting with others to learn about them. If you remove the fact that she is a dream, the way she talks and acts is almost near identical to how an 18 year old would act. Her aloofness makes it easy to be social with the people she talks with, compared to Atsuko who has a very icy aura.

Even if she doesn't look like it, Paprika has a good understanding about the mind and psyche of people. Mentally, Paprika is on the level of a trained psychiatrist, as she was created to be Atsuko's dream persona when going through the D.C. Mini. She doesn’t come off as intelligent all the time, but she doesn’t mind showing it when she wants. There is also a good will mentality - she is willing to help out anybody if they truly need it. Unless they got themselves into the mess they made: she was more than willing to let Tokita continue his robot rampage during the dream parade, because he got himself into that mess. Of course this could have been her way into pushing Atsuko to accept her love for him.


Paprika's biggest weakness is her inability to manifest in the real world. She can only appear within people's dreams or by super imposing her image into reflections and images. However she can never physically appear in front of anybody other than in their dreams. The only time in the movie that she was a physical being in the real world was during the dream parade, when the line between dreams and reality has been broken. Since Luceti has a lot of magical beings and whatnot, it may be possible that some people can see Paprika if they have a high perception to dreams and the supernatural. They still won’t be able to physically touch her however.

Being able to only manifest physically in dreams leads to a second weakness - the only time Paprika can be physically harmed by someone is when she goes into their dream. Paprika is pretty average and isn’t the strongest being. Even with her transformations to assist her there is only so much she can do if she gets into a physical battle.

Paprika will not be able to control dream hopping completely for a while. Since D.C. Minis do not exist in Luceti, nor does the technology to make them exist, Paprika will be completely separate from Atsuko (although their separation from each other to some extent is implied during the movie, when Paprika is able to become a physical being separate from Atsuko during the dream parade and the very notion that Atsuko can communicate with Paprika through reflections and mental telepathy). This means Paprika will have to get use to the fact that she can hop into dreams without the use of a D.C. Mini linking Atsuko and the person whose dream she's hopping into.

Emotionally- Paprika is not completely developed and it shows when she doesn't act as seriously as she should at certain times. She has a very mischievous attitude about situations and is rarely serious, even in the face of danger. She can be almost too fearless when it comes to exploring the world of dreams and even when talking to others. Maybe it’s just the fact that coming from a world of freedom with absolutely no limitations means that there is hardly anything to be afraid of for her. That's not to say she isn't cautious in dreams, but when it comes to telling it like it is (when they really need it) she won't hold back. This can of course get people a little bit annoyed with her quickly, but she believes that honesty is always the best policy.

Mentally- Paprika’s good will mentality can cause trouble for her. She simply believes in helping others and if she feels like she can’t do anything then she’ll start to feel useless. That’s not to say she’ll be pushy and help someone when they say they don’t need it, but if she feels like someone does need her help and she can’t do anything for them then that’s when guilt could come for her.


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