✯ Eighth Session ✯ Action throughout the event (at night only)

Sep 25, 2011 18:02

[During the day, Paprika doesn't have much motivation to be spotted anywhere. She keeps to herself, doesn't so much as glance as the journals, and patiently waits for the sun to set. For when the sun sets that is when all the good boys and girls go to bed. And, she will have to assist them in their endeavor ( Read more... )

*event, +link, what is privacy?, she just likes being friendly, +aerith gainsborough, bring me a dream, +luke fon fabre, +richard, +vash, just doing her job, hey whats going on here, +giles, +caesar, climbin' in your windows

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mydearapple September 30 2011, 07:23:46 UTC
[Hello, Paprika, welcome to Caesar's room! You might have entered through his window there on the left side, since it's the quickest way into his room. Caesar is lying down on his bed, leaning on his pillow as he draws onto some pages he pulled from a journal. He'd normally be asleep by now, but he's so preoccupied by his drawing that he doesn't realize how late it is.]


byakkoyagirl October 1 2011, 14:17:17 UTC
[She did indeed. And it won't be hard to spot Caesar at his bed already. Well, at least he's halfway there to being asleep!]

Young boy, why are you still awake? This is not the right time to be working!


mydearapple October 2 2011, 09:41:36 UTC
[Caesar looks up at the sound of a voice he's certainly not used to hearing at this time of night. ...he probably should have noticed her coming in, oops. At least it's a familiar face-no reason to be concerned, then.]

I could ask you the same thing. [Or, more importantly...] A little late to be breaking into houses, don't you think?


byakkoyagirl October 4 2011, 18:47:10 UTC
[She smiles a little and speaks in a more hushed voice. Can't wake anyone else who may be in the house.]

Actually, this is the perfect time for it. I won't be here long anyway - I just need to fulfill my job conditions.


mydearapple October 4 2011, 22:06:05 UTC
[Oops, that reminds him that he should probably speak quieter, too. He doesn't need anyone to think he was talking to himself.]

Your job conditions, huh?


byakkoyagirl October 5 2011, 01:04:38 UTC
Yeah, that's right. I am the Sandman after all.

[...And she immediately puts a hand over her mouth and tries to hold back a chuckle. Yeah she knows the Malnosso have affected her, but she's more amused by it than not.]


mydearapple October 8 2011, 08:58:11 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow at that, but he doesn't have to think too hard on it. She's not exactly resisting her own odd behavior.]

The Sandman? Is that what it's called?


byakkoyagirl October 10 2011, 04:59:09 UTC
[She calms herself and nods.]

That's right. The sandman is supposed to go to the homes of all the boys and girls and put them to sleep. So, guess why I'm here?


mydearapple October 10 2011, 09:57:10 UTC
Sounds fair enough. But how do you intend to put me to sleep?


byakkoyagirl October 14 2011, 04:13:08 UTC
How else would a sand man put a child to sleep? [She brings up her small sack and gives a gleeful smile.] With sand of course!


mydearapple October 16 2011, 02:00:09 UTC
...the sand is supposed to put me to sleep?


byakkoyagirl October 18 2011, 19:28:47 UTC
What else would it possibly do?


mydearapple October 19 2011, 00:41:29 UTC
How should I know? I can't say I've ever heard of magic sand before.


byakkoyagirl October 21 2011, 22:08:24 UTC
[She makes a tsk tsk sound.]

Never heard of the Sandman before I take it?


mydearapple October 22 2011, 03:37:22 UTC
[He shrugs his shoulders slightly.]

I'm not sure that I have! Sounds like something out of a story.


byakkoyagirl October 24 2011, 05:54:47 UTC
Because it is something out of a story! The Sandman puts children to sleep with mystical sand!


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