✯ Eighth Session ✯ Action throughout the event (at night only)

Sep 25, 2011 18:02

[During the day, Paprika doesn't have much motivation to be spotted anywhere. She keeps to herself, doesn't so much as glance as the journals, and patiently waits for the sun to set. For when the sun sets that is when all the good boys and girls go to bed. And, she will have to assist them in their endeavor.

Throughout the event, Paprika will be sneaking around the village at night and finding her way into peoples homes. Windows, picking locks - it doesn't matter. All she knows is that she has to get inside. She won't be wearing her regular outfit either: instead she dresses in a more appropriate night time outfit (silly hat included), carrying a small cane styled red umbrella in one hand and a bag of mystical sand (which is just sand from the beach) in the other.

Will you catch her through her escapades? She'll gladly speak for a while. But, no matter what happens one thing is clear: if she comes into your house, she will do whatever she must to make you sleep with her sand.]

[ooc: If you want, feel free to specify the date in which Paprika "visits" your character at night. This will run throughout the entire event, so whatever works for you. She'll be physical as well, so anyone can see her when she sneaks in. More details here]

*event, +link, what is privacy?, she just likes being friendly, +aerith gainsborough, bring me a dream, +luke fon fabre, +richard, +vash, just doing her job, hey whats going on here, +giles, +caesar, climbin' in your windows

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