So many things to say, but I'll just say this: when I want to post what one might consider "offensive humor" to my flist, I use filters to exclude those I think might take offense.
RE: image - it would be funnier and more accurate the other way 'round!
Still love you and yours, despite our differences of opinion. :-)
Well, I'm sure your point wasn't to DELIBERATELY offend your friends! Srsly tho, I like to share humor with folks who will enjoy it - I wouldn't tell the same joke about a Jew walking in to a bar to my co-worker Marilyn that I might repeat to readherring, for instance...poor example, but I'm sure you get what I mean. Thorry to be tho thenthitive!
Besides which, I'm sure you have a whole 'nuther circle of friends who would think that's LOLarious...don't they blog?
Eh, maybe "offensive" isn't the right word. what, tasteless? Incorrect, because it would be more accurate with an elephant? You're the wordsmith - you tell me!
Neither offensive not tasteless, IMO. To be offended is the choice of the one who claims to be offended, and tasteless is a matter of personal judgment and is always subjective.
Eh, not even "incendiary." Maybe just "boring" or "not funny."
At any rate, I really just wanted to say that I put stuff like this under a filter for folks who might appreciate it and don't include those who I believe will not. You know, not fanning the flames...guess THAT backfired, huh? ;-D
RE: image - it would be funnier and more accurate the other way 'round!
Still love you and yours, despite our differences of opinion. :-)
Besides which, I'm sure you have a whole 'nuther circle of friends who would think that's LOLarious...don't they blog?
and hate us. *sob!*
and that blog? ? Now, THAT is LOLarious!
Your icon = win!
How 'bout "incendiary"?
At any rate, I really just wanted to say that I put stuff like this under a filter for folks who might appreciate it and don't include those who I believe will not. You know, not fanning the flames...guess THAT backfired, huh? ;-D
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