From the
1. Which gender do you generally present yourself as (man, woman, androgynous, etc.)?
Man. Honestly, I don't consciously project a gender or relate to the world in terms of the gender much of the time. So clearly male.
2. Have you ever deliberately done "drag" (i.e., presented yourself as a gender you do not identify as)? If yes, how often? Why? How did it make you feel and act differently?
Yes, rarely. The most obvious result was that I became the center of attention from different people. I'm not sure that I do it well enough, because it seemed less likely that anyone would have doubts about my biological sex.
3. Do you get mistaken for another gender "remotely" (i.e., in letters, email, or on the phone)? How often? Why or why not?
Possibly by phone on extremely rare occasion, but not so much after the age of 25 or so. My name's only used by one gender.
4. Do you get mistaken for another gender in person? How often? Why or why not?
Sometimes, especially by older generations from behind. Perhaps slightly androgynous body type, hair, clothing style, friends, etc. But hair is probably the primary culprit. I find it highly amusing. Often people are embarrassed when they do it.
5. If you could take one aspect of another gender's presentation (dress, makeup, hair, etc.) and instantly make it widely socially acceptable for your gender, what would it be?
Clothes. I've heard convincing arguments that makeup can successfully be ignored, hair seems silly to me because I already assume a slightly gender-bending hairstyle. Dress, on the other hand, seems an area where most people in the U.S. seem extraordinarily uptight to me.
1. Do you really make wishes when you blow out the candles on your cake?
. Have any of the wishes ever come true, if yes?
Uh, not in any way related to my making them.
3. How do you feel about birthdays? (e.g., love the attention, just another day, don't want anyone to know my real age, etc.)
They're as relevant as they're made out to be. I've had birthdays I didn't care about and others that were awesome because they were my birthday. I've had two that sucked due to location and resulting limits on events. But I got to talk with friends in both instances, even if they weren't lifelong friends.
4. Tell us a favorite gift you've received, or something you'd really like for your next birthday.\
I'm more about the situation created than the gifts received. I usually want to be around the few friends I consider closest, perhaps going someone that screams "adventure", and then chilling for good serious conversation about topics that people rarely discuss.
5. What flavor cake?
Chocolate. Very, very chocolate. And vegan, duh.