Caught in a Whirlwind

Feb 11, 2009 21:09

The third week of the semester is nearing an end. With five classes (four of them psychology), 9 hrs a week working in the brain cognition and development lab with infants, note taking, tons of work, a minimum of two quizzes a week and research studies to partake in, thus far it has been my most stressful semester yet. However, so far everything is going pretty well. Next year I'll tone down on the psych classes, work 6 hrs in the lab and hopefully get a TA position if not a paying job. ::breathes deeply:: No need to rush it...

I have off Monday for Presidents day and although I'm really sad that some of my best friends won't be around, I am still thrilled to return home. I miss my family, I miss good food, my own room and my huge bed. Hopefully I will get sleep and take care of some things. The best part is thanks to Sara and her friend I got a ride and thanks to Lexi I don't have to work in the lab and can leave at 11. Thankyouthankyouthankyou all.

In the midst of all this crazyness, I managed to get myself into another guy situation. I won't go into detail but basically I'm afraid I am stuck with another clingy guy. It's the clingers or creeps, lucky me. I hope Mr. Right stops and asks for directions soon so I don't have to wait much longer. I have a lunch date tomorrow and if that doesn't go well I'm canceling our date for next Saturday. If anything, I have to learn to be a bitch, be assertive and say no. NO NO NO NO NO. As if I didn't have other things to be anxious about.

Luckily I look forward to going to South Carolina with Jamie in May. Then MAYBE I'll take a trip to Worcester (no one's in Boston) but with work orientation days and lack of time and money who knows if that will happen. Although Lei's supposed to visit again with her friend Jess. It won't be the same without dear Michael BUT we can get some shopping done and bond. Oh the future is so bright I gotta wear shades...
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