The Adventurous Story of Nothingness

Oct 02, 2008 16:45

Apart from having an incredibly stressful week, getting sick and finding out that I will be here until the last day of exams before winter break, everything has been pretty well. I'm content with my classes for the most part, love my roommate for we have become incredibly close and I don't know where I would be without her, overall with my friends (although I still haven't pursued any recent friendships nor made many new ones), ballroom dancing, reading, slowly catching up on tv and movies here and there and whatever else I should be content with.

But that's just it, I'm only content. I'm thankful, yes, and I know that no news is good news. Though can I help desiring more than that? I'm trying not to think, but it's only so effective. The ability to take one day at a time, to be able to stop and admire the good things, the beauty and fortune which surrounds you, is wonderful. I have taken a few stops to smell the roses but when someone asks the question "What's up?" or "What's new?" I would like to have a sufficient response other than "nothing". I want something AMAZING to happen. Something, new, exciting, wonderful, fresh! I know things don't happen unless you do something about it (and yes, I've been to busy and tired to make substantial efforts) but it is not as if I am sitting around waiting for something to magically drop into my lap.

Maybe it's not meant to happen in school, perhaps I'm only meant to work. Maybe it will happen on my trip to Israel (which I got accepted into the program and just received my passport although they LOST my freaking birth certificate. That document might be important no?). Maybe it will happen during winter vacation (if I ever get home (sorry for the pessimism)). Maybe during the spring, maybe after the school year ends. I hate waiting but the last interesting thing that happened to me was some stupid drama LAST FALL (on second thought I did luck out getting a good roommate in the spring, yet we don't speak often). Wait, that's not even interesting at all! But those events certainly weren't AMAZING. Maybe it's just too early in the year. All things in good time? Maybe not.
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