Jun 10, 2005 17:04
cheer try outs for next fall were tuesday and wednesday. the dance is mad cute and i actually got it really fast so cuts were made and we pulled 2 new girls onto varsity, christina A. and erin jackson. I feel like our team is handicaped right now w/o erin and fran and i hate to say it but trisha too. i really want this year to be amazing bc it's my last year cheering for high school so i want it to be the best ever but so far i'm scarred ne way our team decided were going to a UCA camp again which i'm pumped for the last one was so much fun but yea so that's cheer update
i've been completely over whelmed with school work, well actually it's just the pressure to do well on my exams i kno i'm fine for english and chem. prolly spanish as well but i am deathly afraid of failing my math and history finals and i've never failed ne thing b4 so i am seriously scarred espically bc it's junior year (the year were everything matters for college) grrr
um also i've been driving alot lately i love it. went to NHS on wed. it was great fun. kim posted the Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Relient K pics which is amazing and i've already printed out like 5 i think haha
also i found out today that i got a job at WEGMENS!!! which means b4 long i won't be so broke ne more and i've decided i think once i get a comfortable amount of money i think one of the 1st things i have to do is take kim to the movies or dinner or something bc that girl has payed for so much for me and i feel guilty so ya. tomorrow i'm going to the annex to watch some hot bands play. and Sunday i'm going to balloon fest with kim, leo, and possibly kenz to hang out and possibly watch aaron carter (yea i'm a tinie bopper i admit it.) and the new BSB cd comes out on tues and i'm so going to buy it! i'm kinda excited for it to : )
there's alot going on in my life which is both good and bad. a lot of people are coming and going but honestly i think this year over all has been a good one, not the best, but definatly something to remember
that's it for now
only 1 day left of school YES!!!!!!!!!!