(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 21:43

I am really getting miffed about this headache. It hurts all over my face and it's getting into my jaw (which I hate even more than the rest of the brane's strange manifestations) and my needle-man is on holiday, so no needling. Given that I phoned for stat needling, this is a pain.

And Computing for the Inept is tomorrow and the responsible adult thinks I am a delicate headachey flower, who should go home instead of waving about and being a tad slower than the computers.

Otherwise, done some stitching and decided that there were more things that needed modicying from the original pattern.

Storks are not pink. Those are flamingos. So mummyfrog being bouncy about it just isn't working and I feel a bit of an ass about being unable to bounce.

This post made no sense? Right?

I've been missing the new and shiny reads out there, anyone want to rec me something.

brane, headaches, cross stitch

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