buzzy is as buzzy does

Jun 10, 2009 21:12

Been at "work" two days running and can't believe how tired I feel.

Unfortunately, I can't believe in the brane, because it proves its evil on a regular basis. (I'm thinking the Babelfish and the conversation in which "god disappears in a puff of logic and man goes on to prove that black is white and is killed at the next zebra crossing" -- doing this sort of thing really freaks bbd out, an affliction I share with the_dosk*) So I was struggling with logic at two, losing all my conversational skills by five and dead at six with a temporary resurrection for dinner. Currently, buzzy is high on triptans for the next ten minutes.

One of the great things about my holiday was that superswarm of peacock butterflies was much swarmier than back in Blighty. You couldn't look for butterflies, there was always one somewhere in your sight. I love butterflies a lot. <3 <3 <3

Also lots of cyclist-tourists in Mallorca. So, for _unhurt_, a summary: "lots of cyclists, mostly flat, no bears" This was one of those things I wanted to lj about as we passed another pack of lycra clad velocipedde riders.

As my ability to type correctly has begun to go wonky, I'm probably heading back to Can't String Together a Sentence Land. This sucks muchly.
At least I don't sound as bad as the audio commentary at work - sounding drunk and plain peculiar. The office guys found this really hilarious and wouldn't switch the tape. Lord knows how the Dutch would come out.

*that is buzzy's little brother, who is taller. He also won't tell me what he wants for his birthday.

archaeology on mars, h2g2, the wonderful world of employment, holiday

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