Going ... Going ... Gone!

Dec 22, 2004 09:10

So I finally had my one-to-one with my Boss yesterday. I'm definitely being made redundant on Christmas Eve. Technically, it's December 31 but Friday's my last day. I get to keep my home PC until January 4 - then I'm expected to hand it back, along with my mobile phone.

Apparently, they've lost two major clients and the company is struggling. I've never worked for these clients personally but the knock-on effects are pretty major. About half of us will be leaving - and yes, I feel hurt and bitter about it!

I had been saving to replace my car in January - nothing fancy, but my current car is increasingly unreliable. I will have to put that on hold if I'm to buy a new PC and mobile. I think they're pretty essential for job hunting, etc. Also, my digital camera and iPod are useless without a PC.

Ho hum. I'm off work today - I was going to finish my Christmas shopping but I may have to review my budget. I'm also booked to have my hair trimmed and my legs waxed.

I'm naturally quite cautious with money - I'm happy to spend but I hate getting into debt. I'm still going to have a good Christmas, though. FUCK THEM!
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