I'm not sure why someone bothered asking Danny Glover his opinion about what's going on in Haiti. I am, however, relieved, that it provides an opportunity to point out that Mr. Glover is, in fact, batshit insane.
In a recent interview, Mr. Glover attempts to connect the apocalypse in Haiti with the failure to reach an agreement on climate change in Copenhagen by proposing that Gaia was pissed and therefore smote the Haitians. The implied logic is that because a cohort of jet-setting pseudo-environmentalists couldn't get their act together in Denmark, the Earth itself lashed out with a 7.1 earthquake that leveled the capital city in perhaps the single-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
I'd like to think that this doesn't require much in the way of analysis...
Another article that talks about this, complete with a link to the YouTube video of Mr. Glover's phone appearance on GRITtv is